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Treasure hunt for amber
The natural phenomenon on the Little Bird Sand


Treasure hunt for amber

The Little Bird Sand is known for its amber deposits

Amber has been a sought-after piece of jewelry for centuries. On Neuwerk there is the chance to go in search of the “Gold of the North” yourself. The Kleine Vogelsand, a sandbank in the Hamburg Wadden Sea National Park, is known for its ambers, which are washed free by the nearby Elbe River. For all visitors who want to try their own collecting luck, the tidal flat area of the Little Bird Sand is open for walking on. Here you can try your luck as a collector and search for the precious amber. You want to experience the natural phenomenon up close? Then go for a mudflat walk to the sandbank “Kleiner Vogelsand”, chances are you will find what you are looking for!

In addition, the National Park administration offers guided tours to the ambers on the Little Bird Sand, which provide an exciting experience for the whole family. Learn everything worth knowing about the origin of amber, its properties and the proper handling of the valuable material. The tour takes you to the best sites and gives valuable tips on how to find and distinguish real from fake amber. For more information on the guided tours with dates and contact options, please visit our island experience page on the Neuwerk National Park House.

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Make your stay on Neuwerk unforgettable and book online now at Nige Hus. Neuwerk offers the right island experience for everyone – choose from a variety of options and don’t miss the opportunity to experience the unique nature and tranquility on Neuwerk. We are looking forward to meeting you!

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Details on location, times, costs and target group as well as tips

  • The sandbank "Kleiner Vogelsand" is located about 600 m in northeastern direction from Neuwerk.
  • From the hotel Nige Hus you can reach the Kleine Vogelsand relaxed in about half an hour.
  • All year round, chances are especially good in spring after winter storms.
  • In any case, always only at low tide 😉
  • Suitable for all treasure hunters and those who want to be.
  • All who are interested in geology and nature.
  • Suitable for all ages, children should be accompanied by adults.
  • The treasure hunt for amber is absolutely free!
  • Found amber may, of course, be kept.
  • Be the first one on the spot. If someone else was already there, you might be out of luck.
  • Amber is light. Look for light flotsam and jetsam to increase your chances (feathers are too light and shells are too heavy).

  • For your own safety, be sure to read the information sheet of the National Park administration for mudflat hikers: Open information sheet

The Little Bird Sand is a real treasure for amber lovers and those who want to become one. Discover with us the beauty and diversity of amber and experience an unforgettable search for the gold of the north.

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