Arrival short & sweet
Summary of travel options to the island of Neuwerk
Here you will find information summarized briefly & concisely to get to the beautiful island of Neuwerk. Plan your trip and learn the most important things about the different. Detailed information on how to get here and how to contact us can be found on the “Contact & Arrival” page, which you can reach by clicking on the following button.
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Arrival to the island Neuwerk by wadden car
- The one-hour ride on the wading car is something very special and a nice start to the vacation.
- The two-horse teams pull their passengers safely through the mudflats and tidal flats.
- The ride starts in Cuxhaven-Sahlenburg right next to the rescue station (Hans- Claußen-Str. 21).
- We recommend that you have weatherproof clothing handy, even during the summer months.
- We will gladly take care of requests for seat reservations for you!
Crossing to the island Neuwerk by ferryboat
- The tide is in Neuwerk every day from the end of March to the end of October with the passenger ship MS “Flipper”.
- The departure is from the inner edge of the “Alte Liebe”, the bulwark and pier in Cuxhaven, known far beyond Cuxhaven.
- For more information about the ferry service, prices and ticket booking, please contact the shipping company Cassen Eils, (see contact page).
- For seat reservations on the ship, you are also welcome to contact us directly.
Mudflat hike on foot to Neuwerk Island
- On your own from Sahlenburg or Duhnen along the Pricken Neuwerk can be reached in about 2.5 to 3 hours on foot.
- The route is to be started in such a way that one arrives at the destination at the latest at the time of low water.
- There is also the possibility to participate in guided walks.
- If necessary, please note the timely booking of the outward or return journey by boat or tidal flat car for individual tidal flat walks.
- Info sheet for mudflat hikers of the Hamburg Wadden Sea National Park Administration, (see contact page).
Arrival to the island Neuwerk with your own boat
- The tide is in Neuwerk every day from the end of March to the end of October with the passenger ship MS “Flipper”.
- The departure is from the inner edge of the “Alte Liebe”, the bulwark and pier in Cuxhaven, known far beyond Cuxhaven.
- For more information about the ferry service, prices and ticket booking, please contact the shipping company Cassen Eils, (see contact page).
- For seat reservations on the ship, you are also welcome to contact us directly.